Field Day 2011

The Story County Amateur Radio Club will be holding our 2011 ARRL Field Day activities at the shelter on the north side of Ada Hayden Park in Ames. Our schedule is (all times are local Iowa time):
Saturday, June 25
10 am to 1 pm - set up
1 pm to 11 pm - operate
Sunday, June 26
6 am to 1 pm - operate
1 pm to 3 pm - take down

You can sign up for times to help set up, operate, and/or take down at the following doodle site:
Or, you can show up at any time to help (although, those who signed up will have priority).

June 2011 SCARC Meeting

The next meeting of the Story County Amateur Radio Club will be at 7:30 pm, Thursday, June 2, 2011, at the 4-H building on the southwest corner of 13th Street and Stange Road (but actually off of Wanda Daley Road) in Ames.

The program for the June SCARC meeting will be discussion of Field Day preparations.

May SCARC Meeting

The next meeting of the Story County Amateur Radio Club will be at 7:30 pm, Thursday, May 5, 2011, at the 4-H building on the southwest corner of 13th Street and Stange Road in Ames (but actually off of Wanda Daley Road).

Annual election of club officers will take place. The program for the May SCARC meeting will be preparations for Field Day.