SCARC "Fox Hunt" transmitter hunt and Annual Club Picnic - Sunday August 22, 2021

Submitted by adm-W0YR on Thu, 07/29/2021 - 09:35
Please join us for the 2021 edition of SCARC's annual picnic on August 22 from 17:00-20:00. This year's picnic will differ somewhat in format from previous years due to the ongoing pandemic, but will still offer everyone a chance to gather in an outdoor socially-distanced manner while renewing friendships and sharing in the camaraderie of the club. The timing of the picnic is flexible; come for as long or as short a period as you'd like during the period we've reserved the shelter.

This is a very family-friendly social event, and friends, family, and guests are welcomed.

Different from past years where the picnic has been a fully potluck affair, we are asking all participants to bring your own food, table settings, and drinks for your entire group. SCARC will supply charcoal should you wish to grill your dinner on one of the park's grills. We will not, however, be providing water or lemonade as we have in the past.

Please note also that while we are again gathering at Moore Memorial Park as in past years, we will be in the large "Big Bluestem" shelter rather than the smaller "Coneflower" shelter we have used for the last 5+ years. This larger facility will allow folks to spread out as much as desired while still remaining within the sheltered area.

In past years, we have participated in or conducted the SCARC Net from the picnic location, so bring your HT if you'd like to check in.

Immediately prior to the picnic, we will also be hosting a socially-distant Fox Hunt, or hidden transmitter hunt, starting at 2pm in Ames for anyone interested in participating.

We request all interested hunters assemble in the small parking lot west of Hy-Vee Gas, at Grand Avenue and Lincoln Way, to register with the hunt leader and receive the rules briefing. Hunters may be individuals or teams (from the same household) and the Fox will be hidden somewhere within the Ames city limits on publicly accessible property. Everyone is welcome, even if you do not have an amateur radio license (hunting is a receive-only activity). Normally we invite new hunters to ride along with one of the more experienced hunters but with the COVID-19 safety protocols in mind, we can’t encourage that right now.

The automated Fox will intermittently transmit a series of Morse code tones on 146.430 MHz FM simplex for two hours (2:10 to 4:10 pm), with assistance provided to any requesting hunter on the SCARC repeater (147.240) during the final hour of the event.

For questions about the Fox Hunt, please contact Clint Miller at [email protected]